Started at 10PM with plenty of breaks in between for photography and discussions .
The targets observed were:
- Milky way
- Meteors
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Moon
- M45, Pleiades
- M42, Orion Nebula
- M36
- M38
- NGC 1893
- The double cluster in Perseus(was visible to the naked eyes!)
- M35
- M44, Beehive cluster(was visible to the naked eyes!!)
- M41
- M81 nd M82
- Melotte 111, Coma Berenises cluster
- Virgo galaxy cluster-M59,M60 and one more galaxy whose name I am not sure of.
- Eta Carinae nebula(was visible to the naked eyes!!)
- Omega Centauri
- Clouds at 3AM halted the event
The observation site Photo Credit: Tamil Eniyan
The team Photo Credit: Rajasekhar Devarapalli